Gardner, Robert

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Split-second science projects with speed

how fast does it go?
Explores ways of measuring speed and ideas for related experiments that could be used for Science Fair projects.

Heavy-duty science projects with weight

how much does it weigh?
Contains simple experiments for measuring weight, and offers ideas for related projects that could be used for science fairs.

Experiments with bubbles

A collection of experiments that use bubbles to illustrate scientific principles and properties.

Chemistry science fair projects using french fries, gumdrops, soap, and other organic stuff

Presents a collection of chemistry science fair projects using french fries, gumdrops, soap, and other common household items.

Bicycle science projects

physics on wheels
Presents a series of science experiments to learn about physics by using a bicycle such as how the gears work, why some bikes need thicker tires than others, and how to use water balloons to measure speed.

Math in science and nature

finding patterns in the world around us
Explores mathematical patterns in the natural world, showing how the plotting of data on graphs can bring out hidden relationships and improve one's ability to make estimates.

Experimenting with water

Text and photographs provide instructions for experiments and activities involving water.

What's so super about the supernatural?

Discusses ESP, psychokinesis, ghosts and apparitions, UFOs and extraterrestrials and other paranormal phenomena, as well as some of the hoaxes that have been perpetrated involving the supernatural.

Experiments with light and mirrors

Describes different experiments to do with mirrors.


green science projects for a sustainable planet
Provides information about recycling and includes step-by-step instructions for experiments that teach about plastics, solid waste and decomposition, litter, and other related topics.


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