Gardner, Robert

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Science projects about kitchen chemistry

Presents experiments suitable for science fair projects, dealing with the chemistry involved with foods and activities related to the kitchen.

Science projects about the physics of toys and games

Presents science projects and experiments exploring the physics of various toys, including an air car, top, and balloon.

Science projects about the science behind magic

Explains how to perform a variety of magic tricks by using the laws of nature, including demonstrations of air pressure, optical illusions, chemical reactions, and more.

Science project ideas about the moon

Introduces the phases and other characteristics of the moon through a series of experiments, most of which can be used to start a science fair project.

Experiments with balloons

Describes different experiments to do with balloons to test buoyancy, air pressure, temperature, and density.

Electricity and magnetism

Gives seventeen hands-on activities for experiments with electricity and magnetism.

Science in your backyard

A guide to observing and exploring the world of nature at your back door, with experiments and many suggestions for activities.

Science project ideas about trees

Contains many experiments introducing the processes that take place in plants and trees.

Celebrating earth day

a sourcebook of activities and experiments
Commemorates the annual anniversary of Earth Day and suggests activities and experiments for learning more about the Earth and how to improve its condition.

Genetics and evolution science fair projects using skeletons, cereal, earthworms, and more

Presents more than twenty-five experiments and science project ideas on genetics and evolution, covering the classification of objects; Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution; adaptations, time lines, and missing links; Gregor Mendel, genetics, and the role of probability in heredity; and genes, chromosomes, and DNA models.


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