Gardner, Robert

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Experimenting with light

Presents simple experiments that demonstrate theories of light waves, diffraction, the effects of lenses, and reflection.

The forgotten players

the story of black baseball in America
Traces the history of the Negro leagues that evolved due to segregation in professional baseball and the experiences of African-American players from the late nineteenth through the early twentieth century.

Melting, freezing, and boiling science projects with matter

Contains a collection of science experiments that provide an introduction to the different states of matter, including liquid, solids, and gas.

Projects in space science

Experiments relating to the origin of the solar system, the laws of motion, natural forces affecting orbiting objects, man's future in space, and other aspects of space science.

Science project ideas in the house

Presents instructions for over forty science projects that can be done using materials found around the house, covering balances, liquids and measures, hot and cold, gravity, and acceleration.

Science project ideas about air

Presents experiments that reveal the properties of air, with special attention to those that would make good science fair projects.

Far-out science projects with height and depth

how high is up? How low is down?
Contains simple science projects designed to help students learn about height and depth.

It's about time! science projects

how long does it take?
A collection of simple ways to measure time and ideas for related experiments that could be used for a Science Fair project.

Super-sized science projects with volume

how much space does it take up?
Contains instructions for seventeen science experiments that explore concepts of volume, most of which can be done with simple materials, and includes notes on how to use some of the experiments as the basis for a science project.

From talking drums to the Internet

an encyclopedia of communications technology
Contains over 210 alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about advances in the technologies of human communication, exploring topics such as the abacus, E-mail, hieroglyphics, and virtual reality, and discussing the lives of key people in the development of technology.


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