Gardner, Robert

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Space, frontier of the future

Discusses exploration and research in outer space, the space shuttle and space stations, and man's future in space.

Kitchen chemistry

science experiments to do at home

Jazzy science projects with sound and music

Provides illustrated, step-by-step instructions for ten science projects related to sound and music, each with a list of required materials and an explanation. Includes safety tips.

Energizing science projects with electricity and magnetism

A collection of experiments and science projects with electricity and its connection with magnetism.

Water, the life sustaining resource

Examines the properties of water and the ways it affects our lives. Includes experiments.

Science project ideas about rain

Uses experiments to illustrate the properties of rain as well as the reasons that water is such an important part of life.

Earth-shaking science projects about planet Earth

Contains directions for ten Earth science experiments which explore a variety of topics, including moving continents, plate movement, earthquakes, volcanoes, the Earth's layers, and evidence that the planet is round.

Really hot science projects with temperature

how hot is it? how cold is it?
Contains simple scientific experiments designed to teach children about temperatures.

Ideas for science projects

Introduces the scientific method through instructions for observations and experiments in biology, physics, astronomy, botany, psychology, and chemistry.


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