Gardner, Robert

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Crime lab 101

experimenting with crime detection
Introduces techniques of criminal investigation, including fingerprint and voice pattern examination, handwriting analysis, and ballistics, and discusses the development of forensic science.

Health science projects about sports performance

Describes over twenty science projects and experiments designed to explore the effect of exercise and physical conditioning on the human body.

Ace your science project using chemistry magic and toys

great science fair ideas
Provides suggestions and directions for science fair projects that use magic tricks and toys to present and explain concepts in chemistry and physics.

Science project ideas about animal behavior

Presents facts about animal behavior and includes related experiments, projects, and activities.

Sensational science projects with simple machines

Explains the physics principles at work in simple machines and presents science projects involving first-, second-, and third-class levers; the wheel and axle; wheels, bearings, and friction; inclined planes; the wedge; the screw or bolt; and single pulleys.

Who forged this document?

crime-solving science projects
Presents several forensic science experiments using forgery detection skills, and includes science project ideas and crimes to solve.

Health science projects about heredity

Contains science projects and experiments that deal with heredity; each with a materials list, and explanation of the basic theories behind the experiment, and suggestions for further study.

Health science projects about your senses

Contains science projects and experiments that deal with the senses; each project includes materials lists, explanations of the experiments basic theories, and suggestions for further study.

Health science projects about anatomy and physiology

Contains science projects and experiments that deal with human anatomy and physiology; each project includes materials lists, explanations of the experiments basic theories, and suggestions for further study.

Whose fingerprints are these?

crime-solving science projects
An exploration of fingerprints and forensic science that explains how a variety of prints, such as finger, lip, tooth, and foot, can be used to help solve crimes and includes cases to solve, instructions for related experiments, and ideas for science fair projects.


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