Gardner, Robert

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Science project ideas about the sun

Uses experiments to illustrate the phases and patterns of the sun as well as the reasons for its importance as an energy source.

Stellar science projects about Earth's sky

Presents instructions for ten experiments on such topics as air, clouds, stars, and the colors of sunsets and the sky, and includes discussions of the concepts explored.

Astronomy projects with an observatory you can build

Presents step-by-step instructions for more than thirty astronomy projects, including building one's own observatory, and includes science fair ideas and a directory of supply companies.

Ace your space science project

great science fair ideas
Provides suggestions and directions for science fair projects that present and explain a variety of space-related concepts, such as solar eclipse, seasonal changes, magnetic fields, and weightlessness.

Ace Your Math and Measuring Science Project

Presents several science projects and science fair ideas using math and measuring.

Ace Your Ecology and Environmental Science Project

Presents several science projects and science fair ideas dealing with ecology and environmental studies.

Ace your chemistry science project

great science fair ideas
This book presents science projects and science fair ideas that are involved in chemical properties, acids and bases, temperature and air pressure, conductivity and the effects of temperature on matter, and practical applications of chemistry.

Ace your weather science project

great science fair ideas
Presents science experiments and activities that use the scientific method to help students learn about weather.

Ace your physical science project

great science fair ideas
Provides suggestions and directions for science fair projects that present and explain concepts in physical science, including matter, properties, and chemical changes.

Ace your animal science project

great science fair ideas
Provides suggestions and directions for science fair projects about animals, covering behavior, variety in the animal kingdom, and other topics, and including supporting information.


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