
Topical Term

Science and creationism

a view from the National Academy of Sciences
Summarizes key aspects of several of the most significant lines of evidence supporting evolution, and describes some of the positions taken by advocates of creation science and presents an analysis of these claims.

Evolution, creationism, and other modern myths

a critical inquiry
Explores the current state of evolutionary theory, science, and religion, using the tension between evolutionists and creationists in Kansas in the late 1990s as a focal point.

Mary Mae and the gospel truth

Ten-year-old Mary Mae, living with her parents in fossil-rich southern Ohio, tries to reconcile, despite her mother's strong disapproval, her family's Creationist beliefs with the prehistoric fossils she studies in school.

The creation controversy

science or Scripture in the schools

Doubting Darwin?

creationist designs on evolution
Critiques Intelligent Design creationism, examining its arguments, analyzing its use of computer science and information theory, and comparing it with biology, arguing that it should not be presented as an alternative to evolutionary biology in the classroom.

The creationists

from scientific creationism to intelligent design
Chronicles the history of the modern revival of creationism, looks at the source of twenty-first-century beliefs and how they differ from the anti-Darwin sentiments of the 1800s, and discusses how advocates of the modern creationist movement have tried to influence school curriculums.

Biblical creationism

what each book of the Bible teaches about creation and the flood
Examines the doctrine of creation throughout the Bible, not only in Genesis but other books such as Colossians and Ezra.

Evolution and creationism

a documentary and reference guide
Presents a comprehensive reference guide with over forty documents that help the reader to understand the ongoing debate between creation and evolution.


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