eating disorders

Topical Term
eating disorders

Eating disorders information for teens

health tips about anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and other eating disorders, including information on the causes, prevention, and treatment of eating disorders, and such other issues as maintaining healthy eating and exercise habits
Presents a comprehensive guide for teens that provides information on eating disorders, and discusses the causes, prevention, and treatment available, maintaining healthy habits, and exercise.

Weight in America

obesity, eating disorders, and other health risks
Contains information and statistics on topics related to weight in America, looking at changing notions of ideal body weight throughout history, and covering weight and physical health, the influence of mental health and culture, diet and nutrition among children and adolescents, obesity treatments and remedies, related economic, political, legal, and social issues, and diet and weight loss.


the compelling story of four teens, food and its power
Recounts the experiences of four high school girls whose feelings of shame, fear, and confusion compelled them to use or refuse food in misguided attempts to feel safe and in control of their lives.

The truth about eating disorders

Addresses the problems of Anorexia Nervosa and other related eating disorders among young people, discusses their causes, how to recognize the signs, and the role the media plays in comparing beauty to thin.

Teen eating disorders

Discusses such topics as the causes of eating disorders, dangers they represent, possible prevention techniques, and treatment options.

Drug therapy and eating disorders

Examines various eating disorders, their symptoms and manifestations, how they can be controlled and treated, and what it is like to live with an eating disorder.

You remind me of you

a poetry memoir
A collection of poems in which the author details her struggle with eating disorders and her changed outlook on life after the suicide attempt of her boyfriend.

The athletic woman's survival guide

how to win the battle against eating disorders, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis
Explains how women can put together a training plan that will help them become healthier and happier.

Understanding the risks of diet drugs

Discusses what diet drugs are, the difference between prescription, over-the-counter, and herbal diet drugs, and healthy alternatives to such drugs.

Understanding sports and eating disorders

Describes how the pressures of sports can contribute to the onset of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.


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