Haerens, Margaret

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Contains twenty-eight essays that offer varying perspectives on issues related to welfare, such as reform, how the recession has affected welfare, how welfare policies affect families, and alternatives to the system.
Cover image of Welfare

Offshore drilling

Collects twenty-eight essays that provide varying perspectives on issues related to offshore drilling, debating if it is beneficial for the United States, its consequences, and policies that should be considered by the U.S.
Cover image of Offshore drilling


Contains a collection of articles that offer various viewpoints on doping and related topics.
Cover image of Doping

The NFL national anthem protests

"[Provides an] overview of the NFL national anthem protests and the fierce debates they have sparked about patriotism, constitutional rights, military service, police brutality, and social justice"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The NFL national anthem protests

Human Trafficking

Energy alternatives

Contains twenty-two articles that offer a variety of opinions on the topic of energy alternatives.
Cover image of Energy alternatives

World peace

Contains a collection of articles that provide varying perspectives on issues related to the topic of world peace.
Cover image of World peace

Single-parent families

Collection of essays representing a variety of points of view about single-parent families.

Birth control

Contains twenty-five essays on the issue of birth control and its global implications.


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