Haerens, Margaret

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Offshore drilling

This book is a collection of articles in which authors debate whether offshore drilling will strengthen our national security, whether offshore drilling is more beneficial than biofuels, and whether offshore drilling will lead to energy independence.

Human rights

Provides a collection of essays discussing human rights issues from around the world, focuses on its relationship to politics and minority populations, and describes the challenges to human rights. Includes a world map, discussion questions, an index, and sources for additional information.


This book is a collection of articles in which authors debate whether television promotes torture, whether reality television debases society, whether infomercials are an effective way of advertising, whether the government should strictly regulate television violence, and more.


A collection of essays that provides varying perspectives on issues related to veterans, debating if they are treated fairly, preparation for the needs of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, how health concerns are addressed, and how the government can help veterans.

International adoptions

A collection of essays examining the controversies surrounding international adoption, with views from both sides to help readers develop their own opinions on the issue.

The U.S. Supreme Court

Collects essays that offer varying perspectives on issues related to the Supreme Court of the United States.

The Arab Spring

Presents articles and essays with opposing viewpoints on matters concerning the Arab Spring of 2010, such as whether or not the U.S. should have intervened in Libya and if the new governments in place of the old ones are really any better.

Human trafficking

Presents a collection of essays that explore various topics regarding modern human trafficking, including global trends, factors contributing to human trafficking, and how this issue can be addressed.


Contains twenty-four essays from a variety of sources that provide a range of perspectives on issues related to NASA and the United States space program.

Rebuilding the World Trade Center Site

Focuses on, rebuilding the World Trade Center site, and offers a variety of perspectives, eyewitness accounts, governmental views, scientific analysis, newspaper and magazine accounts, and may more to illuminate the issue.


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