computer network resources

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computer network resources

Uncle Sam's net of knowledge for schools

Discusses the different ways educators can find free and inexpensive federal information that can be used to supplement classroom projects.

Teaching with the internet

putting teachers before technology
A guide for teachers who would like to use the Internet in their classrooms, examining the role of the Internet in the process and purpose of education, discussing its strengths and weaknesses, and offering tips and strategies for accessing the Internet's many resources.

Genealogy online

"In this edition, the author assumes you know most Internet technologies and programs, and that you want to know how to use them to do your genealogy. The potential for finding clues, data, and other researchers looking for your same family names has increased exponentially in the last decade. Since 2000, push technology, streaming video, blogs, podcasts, social networking, and indexed document scans have radically changed what can be found on the Internet and how we search for it. If you feel you need formal instruction in researching family history, online courses, from basic self-paced text to college-level instruction, can now make that happen. In short, online genealogy has never been better, and it's a good time to try your hand at it!"--.

Job-hunting on the Internet

This book shows you how to integrate the Internet into a comprehensive job-hunting strategy. Fully revised, this book is packed with must-have information and advice. A companion to WHAT COLOR IS YOUR PARACHUTE?, this book offers readers a comprehensive guide to using the Internet for the job hunt. Includes expanded or added sections on search engines, finding the hidden Internet, networking trends such as Friendster, and profiles of more than 500 websites.



Does Jane compute?

preserving our daughters' place in the cyber revolution
Examines the disparity between boys and girls in the area of computer use, looking at the subtle ways in which girls have been discouraged from becoming really skilled on computers, and discusses why and how parents should ensure their daughters receive equal access to computer technology.


Explores various aspects of the world's oceans and provides instructions on how to find additional information via the DK online website by using keywords from the book.

Social network-powered education opportunities

Introduces teenagers to the education opportunities social networking can provide.

The genealogist's computer companion

Offers guidelines and advice on how to conduct genealogy research online, explaining how to do library research from home, looking at a variety of Internet tools, and including Web site addresses, a list of software programs, and other references.


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