internet resources

Topical Term
internet resources

U.S. government on the Web

getting the information you need
Updated with the latest information on the current administration, a guide to United States government information on the Web includes material on the Department of Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, and the E-Government Act of 2002.

Library 2.0 and beyond

innovative technologies and tomorrow's user
A collection of eleven essays by contributors who share some of the new technologies introduced in the library environment including blogs and wikis, social networking, podcasting, digital storytelling, and virtual reality libraries.

The genealogist's computer companion

Offers guidelines and advice on how to conduct genealogy research online, explaining how to do library research from home, looking at a variety of Internet tools, and including Web site addresses, a list of software programs, and other references.

The best Web sites for teachers

An annotated bibliography of more than 1,600 useful Web sites for teachers, covering a variety of curriculum areas as well as instructional aspects such as classroom management and special education.

Best career and education Web sites

a quick guide to online job search
Lists and reviews 340 of the best sites on the Internet for information on careers, colleges, training, and job searches.

How to find a job on Linkedin, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and other social networks

Offers tips and advice to finding a job through social networking Web sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace; and provides step-by-step instructions on joining networks, building online profiles, and discovering job opportunities.

The skeptical business searcher

the information advisor's guide to evaluating Web data, sites, and sources
A guide to using the Internet for businesses, focusing on how to find reliable web sources.

Research on Main Street

using the web to find local business and market information
Describes strategies and techniques for finding information about local business and economic conditions, issues, and outlooks using free and low-cost online resources.

The Associated Press guide to Internet research and reporting

A guide to using the Internet for research and reporting that provides time-saving search techniques, information on dealing with spreadsheets, databases, and computer-generated statistical material, copyright and citation guidelines for online material, and tips for checking facts found online.

Consider the source

a critical guide to 100 prominent news and information sites on the web
Alphabetically arranged entries offer in-depth profiles of one hundred news sites on the Internet, explaining which sites are reliable, what to expect when searching for truth on the World Wide Web, and what motives and biases influence each resource.


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