internet resources

Topical Term
internet resources

We boost achievement!

evidence-based practice for school library media specialists
Presents a framework for linking school information literacy teaching to academic achievement through a library media program and offers advice on working jointly with others, reading assessments, and the use of technology in the program.

Caldecott on the Net

reading & Internet activities
Contains eighteen lessons designed to help children learn computer search skills on the Internet while gaining a better understanding of Caldecott Award-winning titles and associated themes.

Genealogical research on the Web

A guide to conducting genealogical research on the Internet that provides tips for finding the best websites, deciding whether or not to pay for the information, and avoiding common problems.

Using Web 2.0 tools in the K-12 classroom

Offers library media specialists and educators guidelines, models, and strategies for using Web 2.0.

Searching online for image, audio, and video files

Provides an overview of Internet research basics and includes information on how to search for image, audio, and video files.

WWW almanac

making curriculum connections to special days, weeks, months
Lists and describes Web sites dedicated to a myriad of holidays and special events, noting each site's age level and suggesting curriculum tie-ins for such events as National Inventors Day, Earth Day, and Chinese New Year.

Downloading music

Contains fourteen essays that offer varying perspectives on issues related to downloading music, discussing if free music helps the music industry, methods of stopping illegal downloading, if MySpace helps or harms performers, and other topics; and provides contact information for organizations and a bibliography.


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