Hamilton, Jill

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the definitive visual history
"Packed with . . . photography, Train catalogues the development of trains from early steam to diesel engines and electric locomotives, explores in detail iconic trains such as the Palace on Wheels and the Orient Express, and chronicles the social, political, and cultural backdrop against which railways were built the world over. Profiling the best loved railways and rail journeys of all time - from the Union-Pacific Railroad to the Trans-Siberian Railway - and the pioneers of train and track - from 'Father of the Railways' George Stephenson to engineering legend Isambard Kingdom Brunel and M?tro-maestro Fulgence Bienven?e"-- Provided by publisher.

Knowledge encyclopedia

Presents an encyclopedia, focusing on space, Earth, nature, the human body, science, and history.


the definitive illustrated story
Presents an illustrated history of some of the highest rated musicals, showcasing twenty of the top musicals--like "Les Mis?rables" and "Cats"--the work of stars like Fred Astaire, Ethel Merman, and Andrew Lloyd Webber, and important milestones in stage design, costume design, and the advent of rock operas and alternative musical theater.


A collection of tips for yoga.

Bullying and hazing

Includes both conservative and liberal points of view about bullying and hazing.


Presents essays from a variety of perspectives on activism, discussing such topics as whether or not activism should be taught in schools, the effectiveness of celebrity activists, and whether nonviolent activism can be successful.


Vegetarianism is a current issues that is of particular interest to young teens.

The music industry

Contains twenty articles that provide a variety of perspectives on issues related to the music industry, discussing the health of the industry, the effects of new technologies, and rules for downloading music and paying artists.

Juvenile crime

A collection of eleven essays that provides varying perspectives on topics about juvenile crime, such as reasons adolescents commit crimes, punishment and consequences, and how others are affects by the actions of juvenile delinquents.

The visual dictionary of the horse

Labelled illustrations, photographs, and definitions for over 3,000 equine and equestrian terms.


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