Hamilton, Jill

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Eleven articles explore various aspects of gambling, including the lives of professional and recreational gamblers, gambling addiction, and what it is like to work at a casino.


Explores the specific issue of bankruptcy with expert opinions in a pro/con format and encourages critical thinking.

Money management

A collection of sixteen essays that help students make wise decisions regarding money and finances.

Dress codes in schools

Contains eleven essays examining the issue of instituting dress code standards in schools, and includes multiple viewpoints, and discusses body art, blue jeans, hair coloring, and other related topics.

The U.S. economy

Collects twenty essays that provide varying perspectives on issues associated with the United States economy, debating the involvement of the government; the benefits of cheap goods, services, and labor; and what can help it.

Date rape

Contains twelve essays that offer varying perspectives on issues related to date rape, discussing whether fraternities encourage it, if it is a men's issue, how to empower women to avoid rape, recognizing warning signs, and other topics; and provides quick facts, contact information for organizations, and a bibliography.

Foster care

A collection of eleven essays that address issues associated with the foster care system including the history of foster care in America and questions concerning whether or not grandparents should be considered as foster parents.

Video games

Collects essays that offer varying perspectives on issues related to video games, including what impact they have on players' health, how they affect society, and whether or not they portray minorities fairly.

Electronic devices in schools

A collection of sixteen controversial essays that debate issues associated with the possession and use of electronic devices in schools such as the banning of cell phones while on school property.


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