Provides advice and resources to help teachers incorporate technology into primary-grade classrooms, including instructions for activities and student samples, discussion on low- and cost-effective choices for hardware and software, tips on curricular design, and more.
Presents a comprehensive manual with accompanying CD on teaching library media skills to elementary students, covering book care, the parts of a book, the Dewey decimal system, and computer research.
the promise and reality of computers in our schools
Pflaum, William D.
William Pflaum reveals what he learned about how computers are used in America's classrooms during the year he spent traveling the country visiting different schools and explains how computers can be misused in the classroom and how they can be best utilized.
Provides an introduction to multimedia and the use of multimedia projects to enhance learning in the classroom, discussing planning, assessment, the roles of teachers and students, support systems, and other topics.
Examines the ways in which K-12 learning can be revolutionized through innovative classroom practices such as project-based learning, and the use of technology such as voice-recognition software that helps children learn to read.
Presents a practical guide and CD-ROM on conducting effective staff development workshops for technology, and addresses topics such as planning and evaluating workshops, promoting digital literacy, designing inquiry-based Web projects, and more.
Offers teachers and library media specialists advice on the best ways to work together to integrate the latest technological resources into classroom curriculum.