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Bilingual education

Essays from various sources provide a wide range of opinions on bilingual education, examining the pros and cons and compiles issues surrounding it.

The ethics of capital punishment

Presents a series of essays that discuss the moral and ethical controversy over capital punishment in America.


A collection of articles which examine various aspects of anorexia.

Alcohol abuse

"Alcohol Abuse: Excessive Alcohol Consumption Creates Numerous Health Risks; Moderate Alcohol Consumption Provides Health Benefits; Underage Drinking Leads to Risky Behavior and Alcohol Abuse; Lowering the Legal Drinking Age Could Reduce Alcohol Abuse in Young People; Maintaining the Legal Drinking Age of 21 Helps Prevent Alcohol Abuse; Alcoholism Is a Brain Disease; Alcoholism Is Not a Disease; Alcoholism Is a Genetic Disorder; Alcoholics Anonymous Is an Effective Treatment Program; Alcoholics Anonymous Is a Flawed Treatment Program; Cognitive Therapy Can Be an Effective Treatment for Alcoholism; Binge Drinking Is a Serious Problem for Underage Drinkers; Drinking Alcohol While Pregnant Harms the Baby; Alcohol Abuse Is Increasing Among Military Personnel; Alcohol Abuse Affects Men and Women Differently"--.

What is the future of the music industry?

Discusses various issues related to the music industry, such as declining music sales, poor content, illegal file sharing, the obsolescence of CDs, the future of digital music, and the status of vinyl records.

Is media violence a problem?

A collection of articles which address the different viewpoints surrounding the controversy over violence in the media.

The attack on America

September 11, 2001
A selection of twenty primary and secondary source materials that provide a variety of perspectives on the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America, including speeches by President George W. Bush, and terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.

Is gun ownership a right?

Presents a series of articles on the subject of gun ownership in connection with the second amendment and contains primary and secondary sources from a variety of perspectives and offers a wide range of opinions on this controversial topic.

Is American society too materialistic?

Fifteen essays debate issues regarding materialism in America, discussing such topics as children's materialism, the environment, the economy, happiness, self-improvement, the family, and community.

Date rape

Contains fourteen essays that provide varying perspectives on issues related to date rape, including the role alcohol plays in the crime, the definition of rape, prosecution of date rapists, false accusations, legislation to protest victims, and more.


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