At issue

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Immigration Policy

Is media violence a problem?

Authors debate the issue of whether viewing media violence has benefits or whether viewing media violence can lead young people to violence.

Migrant workers

Contains a collection of articles that present varying perspectives on issues related to the topic of migrant workers.

Foreign oil dependence

Contains primary and secondary source documents that provide varying perspectives on the issue of U.S. dependence on foreign oil.

Nuclear security

Presents an overview of nuclear security and essays providing differing opinions on nuclear arms control, nuclear testing, and other countries as threats to nuclear security.

Sexual assault and the military

This anthology focuses a wide range of viewpoints on sexual assault in the military, and provides in-depth discussions by leading advocates, a quick grounding in the issues, and a challenge to critical thinking skills.

Poverty in America

Includes a wide range of opinions surrounding issues concerning poverty in America.

Wind farms

This anthology focuses a wide range of viewpoints on wind farms, and provides in-depth discussions by leading advocates, a quick grounding in the issues, and a challenge to critical thinking skills.


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