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How should the United States treat prisoners in the war on terror?

Presents a collection of essays that examine the varying viewpoints on how the United States should treat prisoners of war in consideration of the rules of the Geneva Conventions. Includes bibliographies and annotated lists of relevant organizations.

Interracial relationships

A collection of essays and primary and secondary sources that examine the issues and controversy surrounding interracial relationships in the United States.

Are Americans overmedicated?

Twelve essays present opposing arguments on whether Americans are overmedicated, discussing psychiatric drugs, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, chronic pain, prescription drug advertising, antibiotics, and the elderly.

Gender politics

It is somewhat astounding that a gender gap continues to exist today in the United States and worldwide. Girls and women face educational roadblocks economic disparity threats to their health and safety and biased laws. How can such treatment of the world s mothers sisters wives and daughters be permitted? This enlightening anthology presents a range of diverse viewpoints about the gender divide between men and women. Readers will learn the effects that culture and gender constructs have on this gap and why it is an issue that concerns both women and men.
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Environmental racism and classism

Flint's water supply tainted with lead. Chicago s toxic donut. Louisiana s cancer alley. Corporate waste poisoning developing nations. These are all examples of environmental racism. Readers of this compelling anthology will be awakened to many examples of poor and minority communities that suffer physically emotionally and financially from living in a toxic environment. With no political clout and few available resources these victims find themselves abandoned by the environmental movement and bullied by environmental policies. The burgeoning environmental justice movement argues that environmental protection is a basic right. After reading the informative viewpoints in this volume students will come to their own conclusions.
Cover image of Environmental racism and classism

Trial by Internet

Includes a wide range of opinions surrounding issues concerning trial by Internet.
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Standardized testing

Authors present differing opinions on whether standardized tests effectively measure student achievement, whether SAT scores help colleges make better decisions, and whether the SAT Test may discriminate against African Americans.


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