
Topical Term

Dragon gets by

Whenever Dragon wakes up groggy, he always does everything wrong, like sweeping a hole in his dirt floor, or reading an egg and frying his newspaper.
Cover image of Dragon gets by

Dragon gets by

Whenever Dragon wakes up groggy, he always does everything wrong, like sweeping a hole in his dirt floor, or reading an egg and frying his newspaper.


Describes the chores that a young girl does each day of the week.
Cover image of Chores

Lio de calendulas

Instead of the usual dusting Sofia volunteers to wash the car--but when she leaves the hose on her mother's marigolds get flooded and she calls on her sisters to save the situation. Written in Spanish.
Cover image of Lio de calendulas

Doing Jobs Together

10 ways I can help my family

Explores ways to help one's family including helping with dinner, caring for pets, and washing the car.

Julia's house

Julie welcomes all lost and homeless creatures into her house, whether they be cats or trolls, ghosts or dragons, but soon realizes that each must have a chore in order for the arrangement to work.


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