Orwell, George

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Winston Smith, a worker at the Ministry of Truth in the political entity of Oceania, puts his life on the line when he joins a covert brotherhood in rebelling against the Party that controls all human thought and action.


Winston Smith, a worker at the Ministry of Truth in the political entity of Oceania, puts his life on the line when he joins a covert brotherhood in rebelling against the Party that controls all human thought and action.

Animal farm

Orwell's world famous satire on dictatorship told through a story about the happenings of an english country farm and the animal inhabitants who find it their duty to rebel against the sometimes cruel owner and prove themselves every bit mankind's intellectual equal.


George Orwell
Contains a complete plot summary and analysis of George Orwell's "1984", as well as discussion of the characters and themes, and includes study questions.

Animal farm

George Orwell
Contains a complete plot summary and analysis of George Orwell's "Animal Farm", as well as discussion of the characters and themes, and includes study questions.



Nineteen eighty four

Winston Smith, a worker at the Ministry of Truth in the future political entity of Oceania, puts his life on the line when he joins a covert brotherhood in rebelling against the totalitarian regime that controls all human thought and action.

Rebeli?n en la granja

A political satire in which the animals take over running the farm, but find their utopian state turning into a dictatorship.

Homage to Catalonia

A memoir of the author's stint in the militia of the Party of Marxist Unification battling against the Fascists in Spain in 1936, describing the rigors of the experience and offering his analysis of the politics that impacted the war.

The Orwell reader

fiction, essays, and reportage
A collection of twenty-three short stories, fiction excerpts, essays, and articles by George Orwell from his time in Burma, the 1930s, and during and after the Second World War. Includes "Shooting an Elephant," "Politics and the English Language," and an excerpt of "Nineteen Eighty-Four.".


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