extraterrestrial beings

Topical Term
extraterrestrial beings

Harriet's hare

A young girl's life with her father on their farm in England is changed when she befriends a talking hare that is really a shape-changing alien.

Alistair and the alien invasion

When aliens invade from outer space, boy genius Alistair is the only person able to save the Earth.

Company's coming

Chaos erupts when Moe and Shirley invite some visitors from outer space to stay for dinner with the relatives.

Just add water-- and scream!

Zack, his father, and Spencer fight to save the world from a rude, bossy, and hungry package of freeze-dried spores purchased at The Orville and Fanny Shlectwasser Museum of Air and Space.

The computer nut

Ten-year-old Kate begins a communication exchange on a computer with someone purporting to be from outer space, who says he is going to pay a visit to Earth soon.

Stanley in space

When the residents of a far-distant planet send a message to Earth asking for someone to meet with them, the President of the United States asks Stanley Lambchop, an all-American boy, to be his ambassador.

Dude, where's my spaceship?

When their spaceship crash lands on Earth, Ploo is captured by the Army and taken to the mysterious Area 51. While her brothers, Lek and Klatu, try to rescue her, Ploo uses her ESP to make a new friend.

Lights, camera--- liftoff!

Siblings Klatu, Lek, and Ploo, along with their human friends Lily and Jo-Jo, travel to Hollywood, California, where the aliens become extras on a science fiction television show while waiting for the spaceship that will take them home.

Merry Christmas, space case

Buddy McGee eagerly awaits a promised Christmas visit from his friend, the thing from outer space.

Guys from space

A boy accompanies some guys from space on a visit to another planet, where they discover such incredibly amazing things as talking rocks and root beer with ice cream.


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