in literature

Geographic Name
in literature

Georgette Heyer's Regency world

A guide to Regency England as depicted in the books of Georgette Heyer, providing information on food, fashion, scandals, and other aspects of the period.

Promised land

thirteen books that changed America
Profiles thirteen books the author believes have had the greatest influence on American history and altered the way Americans think about the world around them.

The dream of the great American novel

Taking in the full sweep of national fiction, this title explains why this supposedly antiquated idea continues to thrive. It shows that four G A N "scripts" are keys to the dynamics of American literature and identity - and to the myth of a nation perpetually under construction.

The Victorian city

everyday life in Dickens' London
"The nineteenth century was a time of unprecedented change, and nowhere was this more apparent than London. In only a few decades, the capital grew from a compact Regency town into a sprawling metropolis of 6.5 million inhabitants, the largest city the world had ever seen. Technology--railways, street-lighting, and sewers--transformed both the city and the experience of city-living, as London expanded in every direction"--Jacket flap.

Jane Austen's world

the life and times of England's most popular author
Photographs and a chronology examine the life and works of late eighteenth-century English novelist, Jane Austen, describing how the various aspects of the historical period in which she lived influenced her writings.

Arthur Koestler's Darkness at noon

Offers critical analysis of Arthur Koestler's "Darkness at Noon", examing the novel's themes, characters, and symbols.


authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Presents James Joyce's vignettes of Irish life in fifteen stories on Dublin, and includes background materials, eight interpretive essays, explanatory annotations, and other study aids.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

the scarlet letter
Presents extracts from essays, reviews, and articles, including both American and British sources, that provide critical analyses of Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter.".

The unofficial Patricia Cornwell companion

Examines the life and works of mystery author Patricia Cornwell, creator of forensic pathologist Kay Scarpetta, and includes an interview with Cornwell.


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