in literature

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in literature

The companion to southern literature

themes, genres, places, people, movements, and motifs
"Solidly authoritative and comprehensive, The Companion to Southern Literature spans the genres, languages, ideologies, events, culture, literary history, works, and writers that comprise the literature of the South. From incest to grits, topics are wide-ranging and eclectic. It features alphabetical and topical tables of contents and a thorough index that allows users to find important names that may lack an entry. With more than 500 entries by 200 contributors, the book contains signed essays that are critical and complete with cross-references and a brief bibliography. This companion's affordability and comprehensiveness make it a value and a prized reference work."--"The Best of the Best Reference Sources," American Libraries, May 2003.

James Patterson

a critical companion

The fence and the river

culture and politics at the U.S.-Mexico border
Study of how the U.S.-Mexico border and its culture have been portrayed in literature, art, and mass media.

Bridging the Americas

the literature of Paule Marshall, Toni Morrison, and Gayl Jones

Parting the curtains

interviews with Southern writers
Twenty-three Southern authors tell of their approaches to writing, their habits, and their opinions.

James Joyce A to Z

the essential reference to the life and work
Contains over eight hundred alphabetically arranged entries that provide information on various aspects of the life and work of Irish novelist James Joyce, covering terms, people, places, and concepts.

Shakespeare's kings

the great plays and the history of England in the Middle Ages, 1337-1485
Compares the events and characters in Shakespeare's nine historical plays with actual events in England during the period the dramas represent, and concludes that while the playwright was a reliable historian, he did not hesitate to take liberties with fact in order to enhance his fiction.


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