Danziger, Paula

Compare Name: 

Amber Brown Sees Red

There's A Bat in Bunk Five

The cat ate my gym suit

The pistachio prescription

A high school "freshperson" attempts to rise above such inconveniences of life as her older sister, parents, and school.

Amber Brown sees red

Amber's parents are divorced, and her mother plans to re-marry. Then Dad wants Amber to live with him.

A is for Amber

Amber Brown wants a watch for her seventh birthday more than anything!.

Amber Brown sees red

There's a bat in bunk five

On her own for the first time, 14-year-old Marcy tries to cope with the new people and situations she encounters while working as a counselor at an arts camp.

It's Justin Time, Amber Brown

Unlike her best friend Justin, Amber Brown loves to measure time and hopes to receive a watch on her seventh birthday.

The Cat Ate My Gymsuit

Marcy defends a controversial teacher and incurs the wrath of her school and her father.


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