Danziger, Paula

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Lista para segundo grado, ?mbar Dorado

Amber Brown is excited about entering the second grade, but she is also very nervous about what to expect.

Justo a tiempo, ?mbar Dorado

?mbar Dorado gets upset with her friend Justo because he is never on time; but ?mbar learns that friends can have differences and still get along.

Es d?a de feria, ?mbar Dorado

?mbar Dorado and her best friend, Justo, enjoy a wonderful day at the fair, until her parents begin to argue and ?mbar gets lost.

Seguiremos siendo amigos?

Her third grade year is a sad time for Amber, because her best friend Justin is getting ready to move to a distant state.

Thames doesn't rhyme with James

While spending Christmas in London with her family, her boyfriend, and his family, fifteen-year-old Kendra finds herself roaming the city in another scavenger hunt, like the one in New York the previous summer.

The pistachio prescription

a novel
Cassie runs for "freshperson" class president, while everything else that's important to her, like appearance and family, seems to be falling apart.

Earth to Matthew

Matthew Martin finds himself on the threshold of becoming a teenager in suburban America and experiences conflicting emotions regarding his future.

Amber Brown wants extra credit

Unhappy over her parents' divorce and her mother's boyfriend Max, nine-year-old Amber finds her schoolwork suffering.

Amber Brown sees red

The year that she is in the fourth grade is a difficult one for Amber, as she tries to deal with escalating telephone fights between her divorced parents and her father's impending return to take joint custody of her.


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