alternative medicine

Topical Term
alternative medicine

The young scientist book of medicine, doctors, and health

Explores modern technology, the branches of alternative medicine, and the state of research in incurable illnesses.

Blended medicine

the best choices in healing : the breakthrough system that combines natural, alternative & mainstream medicine for more than 100 ailments
Lists treatments for more than one hundred common ailments, including traditional medicine and alternative methods including herbal medicines, relaxation therapies, home remedies, Chinese medicine, over-the-counter drugs, and other approaches.

Alternative medicine

Presents a series of essays that deal with alternative medicine from a variety of viewpoints, debating such topics as whether these therapies are effective, whether they can cure diseases, and what role they should play in the American health care system.

Ancient healing secrets

practical herbal remedies from around the world that work today
This book tells the history and healing potential of herbal remedies from centuries past, including tonics, teas, plasters, poultices, medicinal foods, and much more.

500 of the Most Important Health Tips You'll Eve Need

An A-Z of Alternative Health Hints to Help Over 250 Conditions


New York City medical examiner Jack Stapleton considers entering alternative medicine and makes contact with two former college classmates, including an archaeologist who is digging beneath Saint Peter's and a bishop who would suppress the archaeologist's findings.

Smart choices in alternative medicine

This book gives natural solutions for back pain, aging, arthritis, depression, headache, stress, diabetes, fatigue, memory loss, weight, infections, and high cholesterol.

The alternative medicine handbook

the complete reference guide to alternative and complementary therapies
Examines over fifty alternative and complementary therapies, discussing the origins of each therapy, followed by the reasons its practitioners say it works, the scientific evidence, and places to go for treatment.

Traditional Chinese medicine

A guide to the alternative medical practices of China, explaining the basic principles and forms of Chinese medicine, and discussing topics such as acupuncture, Ch'i Kung, herbal medicine, moxibustion, acupressure, and the Five Element Theory.


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