alternative medicine

Topical Term
alternative medicine

Spontaneous healing

how to discover and enhance your body's natural ability to maintain and heal itself
Explains how the body's healing system operates, and looks at case histories in which people with seemingly incurable illnesses have experienced complete healing. Gives information on food, exercises, and other factors that can aid the body in maintaining its well-being and investigates alternative medicines and treatments.

The illustrated encyclopedia of body-mind disciplines

Introduces various programs and activities designed to awaken the links between mind, body, and spirit, including sensory therapies, subtle energy practices, massage, movement therapy methods, martial arts, yoga, meditation, and creative arts therapies.

Mayo Clinic

Book of Alternative Medicine
An overview of the world of complementary and alternative medicine from the Mayo Clinic, showcases a broad spectrum of popular therapies, remedies, practices, and procedures--from acupuncture to yoga--to examine what works and what does not when treating common ailments and what can be combined with conventional medicine to promote overall health.

The healing arts

A survey of different approaches to the healing of the human mind and body.

A guide to alternative medicine

in consultation with the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
The section on illnesses and conditions provides profiles for particular conditions. The therapies section shows you where to find alternative therapies for the conditions.

Alternative medicine

Contains twenty essays that offer varying perspectives on issues related to alternative medicine, including whether or not it works, why it is popular, its relationship with conventional medicine, and government research and regulation; and provides discussion questions, contact information for organizations, and bibliographies.

Understanding alternative medicine

Introduces five alternative medical systems and five major alternative treatments, including osteopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and massage therapy.

The alternative medicine handbook

the complete reference guide to alternative and complementary therapies
Examines over fifty alternative and complementary therapies, discussing the origins of each therapy, followed by the reasons its practitioners say it works, the scientific evidence, and places to go for treatment.

Health and fitness

opposing viewpoints
Presents twenty-five articles debating issues related to health and fitness, discussing eating habits, exercise and weight loss treatments, the effectiveness of alternative therapies, and the health care industry.


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