internet searching

Topical Term
internet searching

Online filter bubbles

A collection of essays presenting varying perspectives on the issue of online filter bubbles.
Cover image of Online filter bubbles

Library skills and internet research

Offers practical strategies and tips to help students get the most out of library and Internet research.

Getting around online

Explains how to do research online, including how to use key words, and how to understand results.

Get to the right site

Explains how to do research online, including how to use search engines, and how to choose the right websites to find information.


identifying credible information online
Discusses finding information on the Internet and explains how to determine its credibility and present it.
Cover image of Cited!

Internet quest

101 adventures around the World Wide Web
Presents brief descriptions of 101 Internet sites that explore topics of interest to children, each with a selection of related questions.

Research project success using digital tools

This helpful instructional title goes far beyond the simplistic directive (3z(BJust look online!(3y (Bthat many young researchers may be given when they are assigned school research. With so many resources online, ranging from academically rigorous to sloppy and suspect, the modern young researcher needs to be armed with strategies and tools that will yield the best information and help him or her organize and present that information effectively. In a modern school environment, the digital tools discussed in this book go a long way toward insuring success and excellence.
Cover image of Research project success using digital tools

Online filter bubbles

A collection of essays presenting varying perspectives on the issue of online filter bubbles.
Cover image of Online filter bubbles

Teaching information literacy

a conceptual approach
Offers teaching strategies for instruction in information literacy, discussing how to select and narrow a topic, developing a thesis statement, Boolean search strategies, organization of knowledge in academic libraries, and other related topics.
Cover image of Teaching information literacy

Creating a digital-rich classroom

teaching & learning in a web 2.0 world
A guide to using Web 2.0 tools in the classroom that provides practical strategies, a reference of tools, and suggestions for engaging students in authentic learning experiences.


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