internet searching

Topical Term
internet searching

Find your way online

Describes strategies for searching the World Wide Web, explaining how to narrow a search, discussing the use of keywords, subscription databases, and subject directories, and including exercises, checklists, and illustrations.

Get to the right site

Explains how to do research online, including how to use search engines, and how to choose the right websites to find information.

New research techniques

getting the most out of search engine tools
An introduction to the search engines, databases, tools, and techniques for online searching.

Conducting basic and advanced searches

Provides an overview of basic and advanced Internet searching techniques, and includes information on search engines, word and phrase searches, Web site classifications, URLs and domain names, Wiki sites and blogs, and more.

Searching online for image, audio, and video files

Provides an overview of Internet research basics and includes information on how to search for image, audio, and video files.

Jimmy Wales and Wikipedia

Wikipedia is the product of a lot of hard work. It had its ups and downs and its failures and successes before becoming the Internet phenomenon it is today. This book details the journey, from the early life of Jimmy Wales through the height of Wikipedia's success.

Online information and research

Examines the development of online information and research tools in the digital age and discusses issues related to reliability of information, search and information corporations, the impact of online information on classrooms and learning, and related topics.

Power research tools

learning activities & posters
Presents questionnaires, handouts, activities, posters, and other tools designed to help students learn about research, covering the areas of efficient searching; plagiarism; evaluation of authors, Web sites, and one's own work; organization; and communication.

Web of deception

misinformation on the Internet
Describes errors, hoaxes, and scams on Web sites and explains how to identify, avoid, and counteract them, covering such areas as news and entertainment hoaxes, charity scams, and misinformation on medicine, business, legal advice, and Internet security.

Is social networking beneficial to society?

Social networking sites are an essential part of everyday life. But whether they are good for relationships and society as a whole is debatable. Through objective discussion, numerous direct quotes, and full-color illustrations this title examines the issue.


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