catholic authors

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catholic authors

Living peace

a spirituality of contemplation and action

Looking for moral guidance

dilemma and the Bible
Beginning by employing image-with-story and by outlining a method for using scripture in ethical decision making, Fischer moves from the image to the real conflict that defines a life situation or scripture story. He then addresses finding the faith and the community of support for the leap in the dark that expresses faith. This, he claims, will culminate in discovering the person--God and oneself--revealed in the process of comparing biblical story and our own story. Fischer avoids a naive or doctrinaire approach to scripture, instead offering an open-minded exploration of concrete examples from everyday life.

An introduction to moral theology

Presents the basic moral teaching of the Church in accord with Vatican Council II. Covers the meaning of conscience, the search for moral truth, natural law, the teachings of Thomas Aquinas, and the way Christian love transforms our moral lives.

Sexual morality

a Catholic perspective
By means of a survey format, this book demonstrates a consistent methodology for approaching all issues in sexual ethics.

Liberating conscience

feminist explorations in Catholic moral theology
An extension of a life of faith amid opposition, the resolute voice of a woman dedicated to change within the Church, one not about to lose her faith or devotion despite barriers erected in the name of tradition or authority.

The living tradition of Catholic moral theology

Curran is one of the most important post-Vatican II Catholic moral theologians. This volume, like most of Curran's books, is a collection of journal articles and book chapters published over the last three years. These ten essays address the exercise of the Church's magisterium, Catholic social teaching, sexual ethics, the work of Richard McCormick, God's providence and human responsibility, academic freedom, and the use of military force. Certain themes weave their way through these essays. Curran insightfully insists that the Church apply the methodology and principles of its social teaching to its own structure, teaching function, and sexual ethics. In particular the historical consciousness that informs and develops Catholic social teaching can reform the exercise of the hierarchical magisterium, and the principle of subsidiarity should stimulate meaningful change in the structure of the Church.

Following Christ in a consumer society

the spirituality of cultural resistance
Here is a home-grown, incisive, spiritual, social, and cultural critique of the dominant anti-person and anti-community values in frenetic capitalism. It is must reading for all who desire to nourish a faith that does justice to the eighties.

Crisis of faith

Trappist Monk Thomas Keating is the founder of the Snowmass Interreligious Conference and a member of the peace council. Keating was appointed superior of St. Benedict's Monastery in 1958 and was made Abbot of St. Joseph's Abbey in 1961. He is the former chairman of the Monastic Interreligious Dialogue. Keating has written Awakenings, a collection of homilies and Active Meditations for Contemplative Prayer, a collection of his most significant writing.

Growing in Christian morality

Student casebook
The Christian morality course occupies a central place in a religion curriculum within a Catholic high school. Of all of the religion courses available, it seems to students that a morality course is most about them- their struggles, issues, dilemmas, and emerging identity.


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