catholic authors

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catholic authors

Making moral choices

an introduction
This is a brief but cogent summary in plain language of how people make moral decisions. Using examples from daily living, Miller discusses what morality is, what conscience is, the myraid influences on our decisions, what goes into decision making, and how morality relates to civil law, to society's norms and customs, and to religious faith.

Dare to be Christian

developing a social conscience
Focuses on the basic social dimension of being Christian.

I live on an island

She lived in a cabin on a small piece of land that juts out into the Madawaska River near Comermere, Ontario. From there she shares her vision of the place of the Church in the world today.

The tree that survived the winter

This is a book for survivors who, on the other side of suffering, have found joy, new self-esteem and compassion for others.

The Christian experience

One of the most encouraging effects of Vatican II has been the marked upsurge of interest in theology among lay people who are searching for ways to deepen their understanding of the experience of the Christ-event in their lives.

Friendship in the Lord

A friendship is two lives joined together in love and lived as one. But friendship in the Lord is never two people closed in upon themselves. Each of the friends is fully open to the Lord and open to other friends, in such a way that the friendship is always part of a larger community. The Christian community is a cluster of many friendships knit together.

In my own words

Experience the same Spirit-filled words that Mother Teresa shares with the poor, the dying, the hurting, and the skeptical. The quotes, stories, and prayers in this book are hers.

Searching for God

If a monk is searching for God, that is what, consciously or unconsciously, we are doing - searching for the God who alone can give meaning to our lives, peace for our restless hearts.

Models of faith

biblical spirituality of our time
Faith is contemplated in its great biblical models - Abraham, Moses, John the Baptist, Paul- and is analysed in the personal experience which we all have gratefully lived day to day. Faith is here submitted to a loving and keen study to purify its value and deepen its commitment with new resolution under grace.

Weeds among the wheat

Discernment, where prayer and action meet
With wisdom and common sense he engages the topic of discernment and shows that it is a function of an individual's personal relationship with God.


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