
Geographic Name

Midnight in broad daylight

a Japanese American family caught between two worlds
Alternating between American and Japanese perspectives, this tells the story of a Japanese American family that found itself on opposite sides during World War II.

NATO, the Warsaw Pact, and the Iron Curtain

This book takes a closer look at how NATO, the Warsaw Pact, and the Iron Curtain played a role in the sharp political division between the West and East.

The Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis

This book takes a closer look at this dramatic conflict and the tensions that emerged from the threat of nuclear power.

14 cows for America

Presents an illustrated tale of a gift of fourteen cows given by the Maasai people of Kenya to the U.S. as a gesture of comfort and friendship in the wake of the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Cleopatra vs. the Roman empire

power, conquest, and tragedy
"Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII's life reads like a thrilling novel. Her struggle to retain her throne led her to join forces with Roman ruler Julius Caesar and later Mark Anthony. The power struggles within Rome came to a head at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. The victory of Octavian meant the tragic downfalls of both Cleopatra and Mark Anthony and the expansion of Roman influence. This in-depth look at two empires in turmoil is enhanced by beautiful illustrations and insightful quotation boxes"

Africa and Africans in the making of the Atlantic world, 1400-1800

Examines the nature of the interaction between Africa and Europe in the fifteenth through the eighteenth centuries; and considers the role that those Africans who went to live in the non-African parts of the Atlantic played in their new societies, focusing on the economic, political, and cultural life of the transplanted Africans.

The French intifada

the long war between France and its Arabs
Explores the colonial history of North Africa by France to help explain the current conflict between Muslim radicals and the West.

Victory undone

the defeat of al-Qaeda in Iraq and its resurrection as ISIS
Military contractor Carter Andress was the ultimate boots-on-the-ground "civilian" in Iraq. His company employed 10,000 Iraqis to haul supplies everywhere. He and his company played a vital role in rallying Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds to unite behind the Government of Iraq's fight against al-Qaeda. The United States won the war in Iraq, only to see the peace lost by the Obama administration's unwillingness to negotiate a new "Status of Forces Agreement". The consequence of this is that ISIS, the Syria-based terrorist group, could enter Iraq with a terrorist army.


a history of the war
How did the United States, caught up in 1950s Cold War politics, become increasingly enmeshed in a conflict over 8,000 miles away? And why was exiting the war so difficult?.

Heart of a samurai

based on the true story of Manjiro Nakahama
In 1841, rescued by an American whaler after a terrible shipwreck leaves him and his four companions castaways on a remote island, fourteen-year-old Manjiro, who dreams of becoming a samurai, learns new laws and customs as he becomes the first Japanese person to set foot in the United States.


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