
Geographic Name

The Southwest

gold, God, and grandeur

The South Caucasus

then and now
Examines the history of the South Caucasus during the Soviet Union, and the transition to current day.

The Central Asian states

then and now
Explores the history of the Central Asian states, from the breakup of the Soviet Union to the early twenty-first century.

Ukraine: Then and now

No nation is more in the news than Ukraine, a country that has strong ties with both Russia and western countries. This book examines the events that led to Soviet control and the dramatic and sometimes harrowing political, economic, and social changes that Ukrainian people have experienced—both during the Soviet era and since the Soviet collapse.

The Baltic States: Then and now

The Soviet Union occupied the Baltic nations for decades. This resulted in disasters such as catastrophic shortages of food; suppression of Baltic languages, religions, and customs; and the terrors of forced labor camps. With the Soviet Unions collapse, the Baltics gained independence and have become vibrant members of the European community..

Tomorrow is now

Eleanor Roosevelt's manifesto, in which, she traces the country's struggle to embrace democracy and she speaks out against fear, timidity, complacency, and national arrogance.

The United States and Latin America

Concise, straightforward survey of relations between the United States and Latin America from the early years of the American Republic to the present. Includes speculation about the future.

Airlift to America

how Barack Obama, Sr., John F. Kennedy, Tom Mboya, and 800 East African students changed their world and ours
Tells the story of the African-American Students Foundation and their efforts to transport nearly 800 young East African men and women to the United States between 1959 and 1963.

The great game in Cuba

how the CIA sabotaged its own plot to unseat Fidel Castro
An expose of the CIA's inner workings in Cuba during the 1950s and 1960s reveals the Agency's efforts to halt opposition to Fidel Castro after the Cuban Revolution and install a CIA-friendly figurehead in Castro's position, documenting the contributions of King Ranch proprietor Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. and the mysterious disappearance of Camilo Cienfuegos.

A disease in the public mind

a new understanding of why we fought the Civil War
Fleming looks at the reasons of why the Civil War was fought.


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