war on terrorism, 2001-

Topical Term
war on terrorism, 2001-

America under attack

Discusses the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001, and provides information about the people who launched the attack, and America's response.

Is America helping Afghanistan?

Contains a collection of essays and speeches that espouse different takes on American military action in Afghanistan and includes pieces by people that include George W. Bush, John Pilgar, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Rodriguez, and the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan.

September 11

Chronicles the events of the morning of September 11, 2001, when four planes hijacked by terrorists crashed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania.

Osama bin Laden

Examines the life and leadership skills of Osama bin Laden, whose terrorist network, Al-Qaida, is believed to be responsible for terrorist attacks on people and buildings around the world.

What limits should be placed on presidential powers?

A collection of twelve essays on issues concerning presidential powers, including surveillance programs, identifying and detaining enemy combatants, and permitting torture.

Civil liberties vs. national security in a post-9

Examines how increased security concerns since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, have led to security measures that violate Americans' civil liberties, and addresses the debate over whether these violations are neccessary in order to make America safer.

The war on terrorism

opposing viewpoints
Contains twenty-eight articles that provide opposing viewpoints on whether the war on terrorism is justified, whether measures to protect the homeland threaten civil rights, whether domestic antiterrorism efforts make Americans safe, and the effect of the U.S. war on terrorism on the rest of the world.

The war on terrorism

Contains sixteen essays in which the authors examine issues related to the war on terrorism, discussing events leading up to the terrorist attack on the U.S. on September 11, 2001, the nature of the conflict, domestic antiterrorism efforts, and the next phase of the war.

War on Terror

Examines the fight against worldwide Islamic terrorism, waged by the United States and its allies and presents insight into the war against Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda terrorists.

State of denial

Reveals how the Bush administration avoided telling the truth about the war in Iraq to the public, to Congress, and often to themselves, exploring how Bush's statements about the future of American troops in Iraq conflicted with what Pentagon assessments said about the War on Terror.


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