war on terrorism, 2001-

Topical Term
war on terrorism, 2001-

An autumn of war

what America learned from September 11 and the war on terrorism
A collection of essays by military historian Victor Davis Hanson which explore the impact the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and the War on Terror has had on American culture and society.

Civil liberties and the war on terrorism

Explores the history of civil liberties during wartime, discusses measures that were put into effect in an effort to protect the American public in the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and considers whether governmental restrictions or intrusions in the area of civil liberties are justified.

Imperial hubris

why the West is losing the war on terror
An anonymous member of the U.S. intelligence community argues that Islamists are not against democracy, but specific U.S. policies viewed as threatening to their lands and religion allow al Quaeda to continue to gain support.

Can the War on Terrorism be won?

Presents thirteen controversial essays that debate issues associated with the War on Terror.

The American empire

Twelve essays examine imperialism in U.S. history, discussing the country's rise to global power, its use of that power overseas, and the domestic effects of those actions.

America speaks out

collected essays from dissident writers

America, awake!

we must take back our country

The real price of war

how you pay for the war on terror
Analyzes the individual costs of the war on terror for Americans both in taxes and in lifestyles and examines how decreased taxes and increased deficit spending has effected military operations and national security.


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