Babia, an orphan who lives in a remote village in Spain and accepts being overweight, agrees to accompany her pretty cousin from Madrid during a summer in the village, and they end up working with Daniel, a boy she once knew who atrracts her.
Seventeen-year-old Greg has become part of every social group at his Pittsburgh high school without having any friends, but his life changes when his mother forces him to befriend a girl he once knew in Hebrew school who has leukemia.
A story of first love, family, loss, and betrayal told from different points in time, and in separate voices, by artists Jude and her twin brother Noah.
Contains sixteen well-known legends drawn from approximately 1,500 years of Mexican history and mythology, presented in English with the Spanish translation on facing pages, and includes a bilingual vocabulary list.
Contains sixteen short stories from the Spanish-speaking cultures of Latin America, presented in English with the Spanish translation on facing pages, and includes a bilingual vocabulary list.
Contains sixteen short stories from the Spanish-speaking cultures of Latin America, presented in English with the Spanish translation on facing pages, and includes a bilingual vocabulary list.
Contains sixteen well-known legends drawn from approximately 1,500 years of Mexican history and mythology, presented in English with the Spanish translation on facing pages, and includes a bilingual vocabulary list.