reading materials

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reading materials

Stories from Mexico =

Historias de M?xico
Contains sixteen well-known legends drawn from approximately 1,500 years of Mexican history and mythology, presented in English with the Spanish translation on facing pages, and includes a bilingual vocabulary list.
Cover image of Stories from Mexico =

Stories from Latin America =

Historias de Latinoam?rica
Contains sixteen short stories from the Spanish-speaking cultures of Latin America, presented in English with the Spanish translation on facing pages, and includes a bilingual vocabulary list.
Cover image of Stories from Latin America =

Stories from Latin America

Historias de Latinoam?rica
Contains sixteen short stories from the Spanish-speaking cultures of Latin America, presented in English with the Spanish translation on facing pages, and includes a bilingual vocabulary list.
Cover image of Stories from Latin America

Stories from Mexico

Historias de M?xico
Contains sixteen well-known legends drawn from approximately 1,500 years of Mexican history and mythology, presented in English with the Spanish translation on facing pages, and includes a bilingual vocabulary list.
Cover image of Stories from Mexico

Latino Americans

el legado de 500 anos que dio forma a una nacion
Sharing the personal struggles and successes of immigrants, poets, soldiers, and many others, this companion to the PBS miniseries explores the lives of Latino American men and women over a 500-year-span who have made an impact on history.
Cover image of Latino Americans

Celebra el Dia de Martin Luther King, Jr. con las clase de la Sra. Park

The students in Mrs. Park's class prepare to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by thinking about the values he taught. Includes facts about Martin Luther King, Jr.
Cover image of Celebra el Dia de Martin Luther King, Jr. con las clase de la Sra. Park


la verdadera historia del oso mas querido del mundo
In this tale about the origins of A.A. Milne's "Winnie-the-Pooh," a woman tells her son the true story of his ancestor, Royal Canadian Army veterinarian Harry Colebourn, who rescued an orphaned bear cub on his way to overseas deployment during World War I.
Cover image of Winnie


As further evidence of his family's bad fortune which they attribute to a curse on a distant relative, Stanley Yelnats is sent to a correctional camp in the Texas desert where he finds his first real friend, a treasure, and a new sense of himself.
Cover image of Hoyos


Introduces the basic concepts of Venus in relation to the Sun and other planets.
Cover image of Venus


Briefly describes Uranus, including its place in our solar system, orb it, size compared to Earth, rings, and that the planet is made up mostly of rocks and ice.
Cover image of Urano


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