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The 7 habits of highly effective people

powerful lessons in personal change
A step-by-step pathway to the principles of fairness, integrity, and human dignity that defines a way of life and leads to success in business.
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The leadership journey

"Abraham Lincoln. Theodore Roosevelt. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Lyndon B. Johnson. They grew up and lived in very different worlds-Lincoln was poor and uneducated, his frontier cabin home deep in the harsh wilderness; Theodore Roosevelt hailed from an elegant home in the heart of New York City and traveled the world with his family; Franklin Roosevelt loved the outdoors surrounding his family's rural estate where he was the center of attention; and Lyndon Johnson's modest childhood home had no electricity or running water but provided a window into Texas politics. So how did each of them do it-rise to become President of the United States? What did these four kids have individually-and have in common-that made them the ones to lead the country through some of its most turbulent times?"--.
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Many ways to be a friend

Friends don't have to live near one another nor do they have to like the same things. Join the Sesame Street gang as they celebrate the many ways to be a friend.

My monster truck family

Elbow Grease has four big brothers--each one special and unique in his own way.

Speaking with confidence

This book shows readers why it's important to speak well and learn to communicate with others effectively. The text discusses the different types of people we talk with, but also related issues, including body language, bullying, interviews, dating, and much more.

Be strong

"Not strong enough to ascend the climbing wall at school, a discouraged child returns home and learns that there are other ways to be strong, from not giving up when working for a good cause or learning a new skill to making sure that no one sits alone in the lunchroom"--OCLC.
Cover image of Be strong

20 ways to implement social emotional learning in your classroom

Easy to follow steps to boost class morale & academic achievement. - from cover.

I am every good thing

"The confident Black narrator of this book is proud of everything that makes him who he is. He's got big plans, and no doubt he'll see them through--as he's creative, adventurous, smart, funny, and a good friend. Sometimes he falls, but he always gets back up. And other times he's afraid, because he's so often misunderstood and called what he is not. So slow down and really look and listen, when somebody tells you--and shows you--who they are. There are superheroes in our midst"--Amazon.


An introduction to trust.


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