
Topical Term

Childcare worker

Examines a career path for those seeking to work with children as a childcare worker. Describes the character traits required to become a success in the profession.

Living the 7 habits

stories of courage & inspiration
A collection of stories that tell about the true experiences of people who have applied the principles of "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" to their lives.

Managing responsibilities

Discusses qualities of responsible people; provides examples of how to be responsible at school, at home, at work, with money, and on the Internet; and addresses responsibility for others and to self as well as altruism.

Character education

a book guide for teachers, librarians, and parents
Profiles nearly three hundred resources designed to help librarians, teachers, and parents establish a character education program to teach children the importance of values and good character.

When character was king

a story of Ronald Reagan
The author shares her unique insight into Ronald Reagan, arguing that his character and courage made him the object of reverence and respect in America.

Building character in schools

practical ways to bring moral instruction to life
Discusses how parents and teachers can help children learn the difference between right and wrong and build stronger morals; includes information on developing a curriculum that reinforces good character development.

What do you stand for?

a kid's guide to building character
Text, anecdotes, and activities direct the reader to explore and practice honesty, kindness, empathy, integrity, tolerance, and more.

Daily character education activities

Contains 180 daily lessons teachers may use to help students in second and third grade develop the character traits of good citizenship, compassion, fairness, honesty, integrity, perseverance, responsibility, respect, self-discipline, and trustworthiness;each with literature selections, discussion questions, and activities.

Character counts!

promoting character education through readers theatre, grades 2-5
Presents twenty-one original readers theater scripts for grades two through five, designed to teach such traits of character as courtesy, bravery, compassion, honesty, and loyalty.


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