problems, exercises, etc

Topical Term
problems, exercises, etc

Signing made easy

This program for learning sign language includes sentence drills and exercises for increased comprehension and signing skill.

Research without copying

A practical guide that encourages students to critically research, analyze, and comprehend the material that they read and use that information in a variety of ways without copying.

The 17 indisputable laws of teamwork workbook

embrace them and empower your team
Presents a workbook with examples and exercises for putting author John C. Maxwell's teamwork principles into practice.

Easy English step-by-step for ESL learners

Easy English Step-by-Step for ESL Learners is based on the idea that the quickest route to learning this subject is building a solid foundation in the basics. You won't find a lot of pointless discussion; instead, you get an original, step-by-step approach to mastering English, with important concepts linked together by clearexplanations, appropriate exercises, and helpful answers.

SAT math workbook

Provides a guide to taking the math part of the SAT, including two practice SAT math tests, and hundreds of additional practice problems.

Inspiration sandwich

stories to inspire your creative freedom

CliffsNotes grade 7 Common Core math review

"Organized around the grade 7 Common Core State Standards for mathematics, this book reviews all five domains that seventh-grade students are expected to understand in their grade 7 math class"--Back cover.

CliffsNotes grade 6 Common Core math review

"Organized around the grade 6 Common Core State Standards for mathematics, this book reviews all five domains that sixth-grade students are expected to understand in their grade 6 math class"--Back cover.

Computer coding

[an introduction to computer programming]
Teaches children the basics of computer coding. Step-by-step explanations and interactive projects will help them learn the fundamentals of Python programming and important coding terms and phrases. Practice pages throughout the workbook and a freestyle section at the end will reinforce each lesson. Includes glossary.

Bedtime math

the truth come out
Contains more than one hundred math problems with three different levels of challenge.


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