problems, exercises, etc

Topical Term
problems, exercises, etc

The pit and the pendulum and other stories

A collection of five short stories by Edgar Allan Poe, including the title selection in which a condemned man is slowly tortured after being judged guilty by the Inquisition. Contains reading activities and notes about the author.

Keep your brain alive

83 neurobic exercises to help prevent memory loss and increase mental fitness

The artist's way

a spiritual path to higher creativity
Describes the author's comprehensive twelve-week program designed to lead people to discover their creativity and develop imagination by tapping into a higher power that connects creativity with the creative energies of the universe.

The world almanac for kids workbook

Presents a collection of worksheets, activities, and puzzles based on the facts and data presented in the "World Almanac for Kids." Covers subjects including language arts, spelling, math, and science.

The don't sweat the small stuff workbook

simple ways to keep the little things from taking over your life

The calculus lifesaver

all the tools you need to excel at calculus
A companion study guide to single-variable calculus textbooks, featuring subject reviews, nearly five hundred worked examples, in-depth coverage of difficult topics, and discussion of theorems and methods.

Mcgraw-Hill's TASC

Prepare for the TASC exam and includes authentic TASC questions with explanations, full-length practice TASC exams and review in all five subject areas.

75 readings

an anthology


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