
Topical Term

Psychologists and their theories for students

Contains articles that provide information on the lives and theories of nine of the most frequently studied or significant psychologists in history, and includes analyses of the political, social, and scientific contexts in which they worked, critical response, sidebars, and other reference aids. Arranged alphabetically from L to Z.
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What's up with my family?

Contains narratives in which Jack, Jen, Chris, Abby, Mateo, and Michelle try to cope with family life while figuring out rules, routines, and responsibilities; and includes guidance and advice for tweens and teens on strengthening relationships at home.
Cover image of What's up with my family?


a beginner's guide
An introduction to psychology that covers basic principles, and discusses the nervous system, perception, memory, language, communication, intelligence, personality, behavior, emotions, mental illness, and other related topics.

Disruptive behavior disorders

Ongoing problems with actions or emotions are called disruptive behavior disorders. It is estimated that about 3.5 percent fo Americans under the age of 18 have disruptive behavior disorder. These disorders can be very difficult to live with, and they can also be very challenging for friends and family members. With help, however, a person with a behavior disorder can learn to lead a happier life.
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Anxiety disorders

Everybody feels anxious sometimes; its just part of being human. But for some people, those nervous feelings never go away. When anxiety gets so bad that it stops people from doing the things they want to do, it could be an anxiety disorder. Fortunately, there are lots of things people can do to feel better.
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The coffee bean

a simple lesson to create positive change
"An illustrated fable that teaches readers how to transform their environment, overcome challenges, and create positive change"--Provided by publisher.
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Little acts of self-care

To relax mind, body & spirit
Packed with inspiring ideas, heart-warming reassurance and motivational quotes, this little book explains why self-care is so important -- and why it's anything but selfish. Discover why self-esteem provides the foundations for self-care and learn how to nurture and develop your own sense of worth. Find out why you can't truly live without little acts of self-care and commit to making them part of your daily existence. Start your journey today and embrace the self-care transformation, for a calmer, happier and more fulfilled you.
Cover image of Little acts of self-care

Little acts of kindness

Countless ways to brighten someone's day
Filled with inspiring suggestions, this little book dispels negativity and shows you how to open the floodgates of kindness. From the tiny to the Titanic, you'll find all sorts of ways to brighten someone's day and help make the world a more welcoming place to live. Once you start carrying out acts of kindness you won't want to stop. What's more, you'll discover that there's no need to turn your life upside down, often it's the little things that make the biggest difference. So join the kindness revolution, for a better, more hopeful world, and a happier you.
Cover image of Little acts of kindness

Teen guide to mental health

Today's teens face and are expected to deal with a wide array of personal, social, and other issues involving home-life, school, dating, body image, sexual orientation, major life transitions, and in some cases physical and mental disorders. This book examines how many teens have learned to cope with and survive the often stressful trials and tribulations of modern youth.
Cover image of Teen guide to mental health

Your brain needs a hug

life, love, mental health, and sandwiches
Rae Earl offers her personalized advice on the A to Zs of mental health, social media, family and friendship.
Cover image of Your brain needs a hug


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