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Homelessness in America today

Discusses homelessness in the United States, describing the impact of the early-twenty-first-century's recession on homelessness, as well as strategies and ways to put an end to homelessness in America.

Safety and the food supply

A discussion of food safety in the U.S., looking at the history and purpose of the two federal organizations that ensure the foods Americans eat are safe, including the Food and Drug Administration and the Food Safety and Inspection Service, and describing food scares, the clash between science and food, efforts to prevent foodborne illness, and advances in food safety.

Same-sex marriage

the debate
An exploration of same-sex marriage that provides an overview of the history of marriage, discusses types of unions and their benefits, presents arguments on both sides of the debate, and examines related legal issues.
Cover image of Same-sex marriage

Immigration and asylum

Lists reasons people emigrate and presents an overview of asylum and asylum seeking, discussing such topics as life as an asylum seeker, applying for asylum, and working illegally. Includes color photos, a glossary, and a further resource list.


Defines globalization, the rise of multi-national corporations, international farming, and global debt, and the ethical and economic questions which these issues raise.

The arms trade

An illustrated overview of the arms trade that discusses such aspects as arms fairs, dealers, militaries, arms races, self-defense, economies, diplomacy, misuse, and regulation and presents statistics and a case study of land mine use.

The role of the United Nations

Presents an introduction to the United Nations, discussing the founding and purpose of the international organization, looking at the UN's role in peacekeeping, social issues, human rights, and protecting the environment.


Explains what terrorism is, how it is perpetrated, and how it has been countered, describing religious terrorism, ecoterroism, and terrorism for independence and other aims, and includes a profile of Northern Ireland, a glossary, and a further resource list.


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