Explores the history of nuclear weapons and their continued spread around the world; and examines ways in which organizations have attempted to stop their manufacture and use and threats made by certain countries including Iraq, Iran, and North Korea.
Presents an overview of the crisis in Darfur and the systematic slaughter of the people by the Sudanese army and militia bands called the janjaweed; and examines the causes of the conflicts and efforts by the international community to bring the violence to an end.
Discusses the causes and effects of various types of human trafficking, covering involuntary servitude, prostitution, and child labor, and the work being done to try to stop the worldwide practice.
Students will experience a deep but accessible dive into this world, exploring the steps taken by FDR to help the U.S. recover from the Great Depression to improve America's infrastructure and the latest steps being taken in the face of the new recession.
Students will discover how "bugs" become superbugs and how they learn to evade the body's defenses. New treatments are covered, as well as some of the recent developments that scientists are researching.
Explains corporate bailouts, discussing the factors in business that result in government intervention, and examining bailouts that have occurred during the economic recession of the early twenty-first century, as well as others throughout history.
Explores poverty and hunger in America, why large numbers of people are homeless or do not make enough money to pay their bills, and other reasons why some Americans cannot support themselves or their families.
Defines the political far-right, explaining what far-right groups believe, discussing their association with racism, and considering whether society is ready for a return of far-right politics.
Presents a study of children's rights around the world and provides information on the UN Convention in 1989 that defined the rights of the child, the rights of unborn children, child labor, and children in war-torn countries.
Explores the growth of the U.S. auto industry and the events that led to its downturn in the wake of the recent economic crisis. Includes full-color photographs, a glossary, and further reading sources.