czech republic

Geographic Name
czech republic

Days of blood & starlight

Karou struggles to come to terms with who and what she is and finds out how far her loyalty to her people will go.

Daughter of smoke & bone

Seventeen-year-old Karou, a lovely, enigmatic art student in a Prague boarding school, carries a sketchbook of hideous, frightening monsters--the chimaerae who form the only family she has ever known.

The Czech Republic

Explores the country of the Czech Republic, including the culture, food, celebrations, and more.
Cover image of The Czech Republic

Czech Republic

Explores the Czech Republic, including the culture, food, geography, and more.

[Oko holema]

In their continuing adventures, magician's apprentice Nathaniel, now fourteen years old, and the djinni Bartimaeus travel to Prague to locate the source of a golem's power before it destroys London.

Czech Republic

"Readers will learn about the Czech Republic's history , its current government and economy, and what role it plays in world events"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Czech Republic

Czech Republic

An introduction to the Czech Republic, discussing its history, geography, economy, culture, and more.

Czech Republic

An introduction to the Czech Republic, providing information on the country's geography, history, culture, landmarks, wildlife, people, politics, and more, with maps, graphs, foreign language phrases, and a time line.
Cover image of Czech Republic

The Czech Republic

Introduces young readers to the geography and culture of the Czech Republic.
Cover image of The Czech Republic

The golem's eye

Bartimaeus trilogy Book #2
In their continuing adventures, magician's apprentice Nathaniel, now fourteen years old, and the djinni Bartimaeus travel to Prague to locate the source of a golem's power before it destroys London.


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