czech republic

Geographic Name
czech republic

Czech Republic

a survival guide to customs and etiquette
Describes the etiquette and customs in the Czech Republic, covering a wide range of topics and providing behavioral and language guidance for traveling, socializing, doing business, and other situations; and includes a cultural quiz, a do's and don'ts list, and an annotated resource list.

Czech Republic

Provides information about the geography, history, politics, culture, and aspects of everyday life in the Czech Republic, and includes a chronology and suggestions for further reading.

The Czech Republic

the Velvet Revolution
Presents a history of the Czech Republic and its people, covering historical points such as its existence as part of the Austrian empire in the 1800s; independence in 1918; Nazi occupation in World War II; Communist rule; the Prague Spring; and the Velvet Revolution.

A velvet revolution

V?clav Havel and the fall of communism
Profiles the life of Vaclav Havel, President of the Czech republic from 1992 to 2002, and chronicles his childhood growing up under Nazi occupation and then under the control of the Soviet Union, and his political activism against the totalitarian regime.

The golem's eye

In their continuing adventures, magician's apprentice Nathaniel, now fourteen years old, and the djinni Bartimaeus travel to Prague to locate the source of a golem's power before it destroys London.

Book of Jude

In 1989, when fifteen-year-old Jude's mother wins a Fulbright fellowship to study art in Czechoslovakia, the family postpones a planned move to Utah to join her, but the political situation and the move itself are too much for Jude, who is overwhelmed by a previously undiagnosed psychological disorder.

Czech Republic

Discusses the geography and climate, history, wildlife, economy, government, people, religion, and culture of the Czech Republic.

Czech Republic

Photographs, maps, and text describe the history, geography, culture, and people of the Czech Republic.

Czech Republic in pictures

Text and illustrations present information on the geography, history and government, economy, people, cultural life and society of the nation known as the Czech Republic.

Czech Republic

Describes the geography, history, government, economy, people, lifestyle, religion, language, arts, leisure, festivals, and food of the Czech Republic.


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