southern style

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southern style

The all-new ultimate Southern living cookbook

A collection of more than 1,200 recipes featured in the magazine "Southern Living", with cooking tips, techniques and menus to help readers create delicious, authentic Southern meals.

Southern living home cooking basics

a complete illustrated guide to Southern cooking : great food made simple
Presents the principles of traditional cooking, focusing on key cooking techniques, and includes Southern style recipes for appetizers and beverages, breakfast and brunch, breads, sandwiches and soups, meats and poultry, fish and shellfish, side dishes, desserts, and sauces and condiments.

Grandma Lena's big ol' turnip

Grandma Lena discovers a huge turnip in her garden that she can't even pull out of the ground, so she asks Grandpa, Uncle Isadore, Aunt Netty, and the family dog to help her.

The colonial South

Introduces readers to the colonial South and its distinctive cuisine by looking at the history, geography, climate, agriculture, and culture of the region. Includes recipes for traditional meals.

Cucina del sole

a celebration of southern Italian cooking
Contains recipes based on the cooking traditions of southern Italy, including breads, pizzas, and savory pies, soups, pasta, grains, fish and seafood, meat and poultry, vegetables, and sweets, and includes essays on people and places in the region.


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