Describes twenty-first century library standards, provides examples of research units for libraries, and focuses on the connections between the library media specialist and the classroom teacher to better encourage beginning readers into utilizing public and school libraries.
Ten-year-old Jason uses everything he knows about research, including how to separate fact from fiction when using the Internet, to make the deadline for his history paper on scientist Alexander Fleming--the discoverer of penicillin. Includes research tips, emphasizing the importance of accuracy.
Presents an introduction to newspapers, providing information on their history, parts, types, and more. Includes an explanation of how they are made and delivered.
Discusses how to develop research skills, including how to use the public library, how to interview people, how to do computer searches, and how to organize, outline, and write up one's research results.
An easy-to-follow guide to finding and sorting information on any topic, explaining how to use a wide range of research tools and how to determine fact from fiction.
Presents research skills that may be used in all fields of study, including how to choose a topic, generate research questions, find sources for gathering evidence, argue effectively, and write and revise a paper.
Provides an introduction to research and report writing, focusing on organizing and using information and discussing taking notes, applying and communicating information, recognizing and avoiding plagiarism, and composing a rough draft.
Discusses how to determine the value, validity, accuracy, relevance, and completeness of various sources of information, and covers how to avoid plagiarism and misleading information, find new sources, evaluate websites, and more.
Provides an introduction to research and information retrieval, focusing on accessing information and discussing identifying needs, answering big questions, narrowing or broadening a topic, and sources.