
Topical Term

Embryonic and adult stem cells

Contains fifteen articles that provide a variety of perspectives on embryonic and adult stem cells, addressing issues of value, research, funding, and ethics.

Collaborative library research projects

inquiry that stimulates the senses
Explains the collaboration process between library media specialists and educators and presents effective strategies and reproducible lessons that will help students become more involved in the library learning process.

Information literacy

search strategies, tools & resources for high school students and college freshmen
A guide to developing an information literacy program designed to teach high school students basic library skills and competencies, and how to organize research projects, find resources on their selected topics, and create bibliographies.

An educator's guide to information literacy

what every high school senior needs to know
An educator's guide that addresses information literacy in grades nine through twelve; providing lesson plans, assessments, and exercises correlated to AASL and ACRL standards.

Power research tools

learning activities & posters
Presents questionnaires, handouts, activities, posters, and other tools designed to help students learn about research, covering the areas of efficient searching; plagiarism; evaluation of authors, Web sites, and one's own work; organization; and communication.

Learning to learn

a guide to becoming information literate
Explains the steps and approaches to information literacy, discussing how students can learn to access, evaluate, organize, and use information in the classroom.

Careers for bookworms & other literary types

Contains descriptions of jobs that involve reading, research, and other work with printed words.

Can you find it?

25 library scavenger hunts to sharpen your research skills
Presents twenty-five trivia questions, enhanced by quotations, cartoons, and other supporting material, intended to develop effective research methods in libraries.

Quinn and Penny investigate how to research

Quinn and his trusty pen, Penny, investigate how to do research in a library.

But I read it on the internet!

a Mrs. Skorupski story
Mrs. Skorupski, a librarian in Liberty School, shows students how to decide when the Internet is reliable. With the help of the Website Evaluation Gizmo, Hunter discovers that the Internet can provide true facts, Carmen learns that not everything there is true, and together they solve the question of George Washington's teeth.


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